Jinnah-day-care-centre- employees -visitors- celebrating-pakistan-independance-day


Jinnah Day Care Centre provides day care provision for older people in the Asian Community. It is a charity established in 1996 as a day care service provision for the asian elderly aged over 50 years and is a purpose-built building designed to meet the cultural, social, and religious needs of Bury’s Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities.

Jinnah Centre exists to improve and enhance the social, recreational, cultural, health and educational conditions of people from minority ethnic communities. It provides an accessible environment that enhances the quality of life for residents and fosters community cohesion across the borough.

We have a wide range of activities which aim at improving the health and wellbeing of older people. These activities include:

  • Health and Wellbeing– e.g. Social activities, arts and crafts, fun and games, coffee mornings, refreshments and snacks, self-care, and knit and natter!
  • Learning & Basic skills – e.g., English language, digital skills, confidence Building
  • Keep Fit Class- Support physical and mental health, yoga, cardio, light exercise, chair-based exercises, meditation, laughter therapy and managing stress.
  • Cooking Class- weekly cooking sessions, learn new recipes, master presentation techniques, and discover a variety of exciting cuisines.
  • Communities – e.g. community engagement, annual trips, Eid and independence day celebrations, swimming and sailing.
  • Community Wellness Programmes – e.g. Dementia care event, Diabetes Consultant Sessions, Carers assessment consultation event, Healthy Mind Sessions, regular workshops on mental health, cancer and diabetes